Course Fair 2024

Amsterdam Science Park, 23 May, 15:45–18:15

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So you would like to take programming electives! Still on the fence? Do you have questions to ask? Join us at the Programming Course Fair 2024 and connect with teachers as well as current students. During the fair you can attend one or more sessions where teachers tell about their programs and courses. There will also be plenty of opportunity to ask questions.


A preliminary schedule of sessions:

Room L0.09 Room L0.10
16:00 Help me choose my
programming course!
(English and Dutch)
16:30 Scientific Programming
17:00 Minor Computational Science
Minor Artificial Intelligence
17:30 Minor Programmeren
Machine Learning Electives

Learn more

"I'm so happy that I took up the challenge, because I found all of it so very interesting. Yes, the workload is quite heavy, but you learn everything you need to know about programming."

Mayla — former student and former TA of the Programming minor

Read her story

Other minors

At the fair, we try to get you acquainted with your options for doing programming courses. But there are many other minor programmes at the University of Amsterdam!

Minors by subject area

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